Revolution Church – No on site services on December 30th – Here’s why!


By Kris Freeman, Pastor

Revolution Church will not have services on our campus on Sunday, December 30th and resume our regular schedule on Sunday, January 6, 2019.

We will have an online service on this site, our app and Facebook at 10:15 a.m.

When our church began in 2010, we did so setting up and tearing down a facility every weekend and we are thankful for the permanent building location we have been a part of since 2012. However, for the last three years, the weekend of Christmas and New Year’s Eve and Day have fallen on a weekend, which is a big ask of our volunteers and team during a holiday weekend.

So we made the decision to give them tomorrow off. And, that means you get tomorrow off too. One Sunday, December 30th, is a day of rest and family.

For some of you, coming to church may be a challenge and this decision is no big deal. For others, especially those with a long history of coming to church on Sunday, you know this is out of the norm. We believe in the commitment to the local church and the local church service, but we also believe in a few other things:

  1. The Sabbath is a Day of Rest – spend this day resting up, with your family or worship by resting, praying, reading, playing, serving, singing or sharing.
  2. Family matters – be a volunteer who is committed to your local church and a leader in your family. Spend this day with them.
  3. Groups are just as important as gatherings – find a group of people in the church, even your own small group, to hangout with on Sunday.
  4. We love our partner churches – find a neighboring church to attend, drop in for a visit and say hello and let them know that Revolution and our families are on their team.
  5. Watch our service online!

Finally, help us honor this decision for our church by giving online. Like a snow day, we will not have the chance to offer an in-service tithes and offering time. If you would like to give online, it’s the easiest and fastest way to contribute weekly to church and the vision of what God is doing here. TAKE THE CHALLENGE AND GIVE!

I may sleep in tomorrow. I may attend another church. I may do both. I will probably watch some football, spend some family time and enjoy the day.

And then, I’ll see you next Sunday.

You all commit so much to our church – meaning our volunteers – that I will always stand up for you, and this is our way of giving thanks by saying take a day on us.

Be ready January 6th – The Amazing Race begins.

I love you all,

Pastor Kris